The Watersmith Journal

First Waves Founder Delivers Keynote Presentation for Student Research Symposium
Watch now as First Waves Founder and Watersmith Guild Executive Director, Ian Smith, provides a keynote presentation for the Allegheny College / Creek Connection Student Research Symposium! The Creek Connections program has forged an effective partnership between Allegheny College and regional K-12 schools to turn waterways in Northwest Pennsylvania, the Pittsburgh area, and beyond into outdoor environmental laboratories. Emphasizing a hands-on, inquiry based investigation of local waterways, this project annually involves over 40 different secondary schools and the classes of 50 teachers.

Earth Day Video Premiere!
Let’s celebrate Earth Day with a surprise premiere of the First Waves Johnstown Project film from the Summer of 2020! Special thanks to the volunteers, mentors, and supporters that made this project possible. Enjoy the show!