The Watersmith Journal

First Waves Founder Delivers Keynote Presentation for Student Research Symposium
Watch now as First Waves Founder and Watersmith Guild Executive Director, Ian Smith, provides a keynote presentation for the Allegheny College / Creek Connection Student Research Symposium! The Creek Connections program has forged an effective partnership between Allegheny College and regional K-12 schools to turn waterways in Northwest Pennsylvania, the Pittsburgh area, and beyond into outdoor environmental laboratories. Emphasizing a hands-on, inquiry based investigation of local waterways, this project annually involves over 40 different secondary schools and the classes of 50 teachers.

Earth Day Video Premiere!
Let’s celebrate Earth Day with a surprise premiere of the First Waves Johnstown Project film from the Summer of 2020! Special thanks to the volunteers, mentors, and supporters that made this project possible. Enjoy the show!

SurfSUP Kon-O-Kwee
Camp Kon-O-Kwee Spencer lies on the shores of what is arguably the finest venue for whitewater paddleboard instruction in Pennsylvania. Connoquenessing Creek, known locally as “the Connie,” boasts miles of class I to III rapids, and a river wave as smooth as glass after a good rain. The camp itself is a stunning sprawl of wooded acreage and beautiful log cabins. While the whitewater and facilities are ideal, the Connie does have a darker side. Not long ago, it was considered one of the most polluted waterways in the Country, and still faces many environmental challenges. To illustrate the opportunities presented by the stream, along with solutions for conservation and education for youth, First Waves’ partnered with the YMCA of Greater Pittsburgh and Camp Kon-O-Kwee Spencer for an inaugural residency expedition to the creek.